Posts by Tag

home assistant

Sonoff Zigbee Bridge

4 minute read

How to flash a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge with Tasomota to be able to use it with Home Asssitant via ZHA

Installing Home Assistant Core with Docker

9 minute read

A few months ago I started experiencing issues with my Home Assistant setup on Raspberry Pi 3 model B. It appeard to be due to SD card corruption which is a ...


less than 1 minute read

On this page I will keep track of my apps that appear in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)

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Installing Home Assistant Core with Docker

9 minute read

A few months ago I started experiencing issues with my Home Assistant setup on Raspberry Pi 3 model B. It appeard to be due to SD card corruption which is a ...

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Installing Home Assistant Core with Docker

9 minute read

A few months ago I started experiencing issues with my Home Assistant setup on Raspberry Pi 3 model B. It appeard to be due to SD card corruption which is a ...

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15 Minutes of Fame

1 minute read

Yesterday I appeared in The Age - one of the main newspapers in Melbourne.

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15 Minutes of Fame

1 minute read

Yesterday I appeared in The Age - one of the main newspapers in Melbourne.

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less than 1 minute read

On this page I will keep track of my apps that appear in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)

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Installing Home Assistant Core with Docker

9 minute read

A few months ago I started experiencing issues with my Home Assistant setup on Raspberry Pi 3 model B. It appeard to be due to SD card corruption which is a ...

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Installing Home Assistant Core with Docker

9 minute read

A few months ago I started experiencing issues with my Home Assistant setup on Raspberry Pi 3 model B. It appeard to be due to SD card corruption which is a ...

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Installing Home Assistant Core with Docker

9 minute read

A few months ago I started experiencing issues with my Home Assistant setup on Raspberry Pi 3 model B. It appeard to be due to SD card corruption which is a ...

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GitHub Pages With A Custom Domain

1 minute read

This website was created with GitHub Pages. By default, websites created with GitHub Pages are accessed via For example this website can ...

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GitHub Pages With A Custom Domain

1 minute read

This website was created with GitHub Pages. By default, websites created with GitHub Pages are accessed via For example this website can ...

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GitHub Pages With A Custom Domain

1 minute read

This website was created with GitHub Pages. By default, websites created with GitHub Pages are accessed via For example this website can ...

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Sonoff Zigbee Bridge

4 minute read

How to flash a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge with Tasomota to be able to use it with Home Asssitant via ZHA

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Sonoff Zigbee Bridge

4 minute read

How to flash a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge with Tasomota to be able to use it with Home Asssitant via ZHA

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Sonoff Zigbee Bridge

4 minute read

How to flash a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge with Tasomota to be able to use it with Home Asssitant via ZHA

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Sonoff Zigbee Bridge

4 minute read

How to flash a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge with Tasomota to be able to use it with Home Asssitant via ZHA

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